Monday, October 22, 2007

Google and UNEP unite for local cleanup act!

Amazing but true but people across the planet are cleaning up their area and sharing their result with millions of people on the internet thanks to a new campaign launched by Google and the United Nations Environment Programme(UNEP).During International Cleanup weekend in October 2007,community groups and individuals on every continent are heading out in small groups with friends and family to clean their local parks,beaches,neighbourbood areas and even streets! Well,great minds do think alike and under this new initiative their activities and results will create history by giving a global platform to every local initiative.The power of local community action is being matched by the power of World Wide Web says UNEP's Executive Director.This accounts for a formidable partneship uniting and empowering groups from Bangalore to Bermuda and Beijing to Berlin in common cause.



chica said...

Hi monica/mansi

This comment is not directly related to the post, so please feel free to delete it. I couldn't figure out how to send an email, hence! :)
Wondering if any bloggers are blogging about the Mumbai Unplug event. Trying to pass on the word in the blogosphere.

Darshan Chande said...
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Darshan Chande said...


Liked your blog. I too am a nature lover and it felt good to see someone spreading awareness on nature-related issues. It's really sad what we human-beings are exerting on mother nature. But thanks to some understanding beings that we still manage to survive.

Thanks Google. Thanks all.

And one more thing... Will u have a look at my blog and share your view?

Take your time. All the best.

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